Restoring Stopping Power: Brembo Upgrades for My E39 Touring

If you enjoy driving, you know how much of a difference high-quality brakes make, especially when your old discs and pads are well past their prime.
Panda – A Two Tone E39 Touring

Despite the bad looks, the Touring is not that bad. This was once a great car, formerly driven by a mayor in another island, and it had a beautiful original color too. But someone, somewhere along its history, decided it was a good idea to dip the entire car in a giant bucket of a […]
E39 Chapter III – 520i Touring

My first experience with a 5 Series BMW E39 ended up being a very short one. Back then I was just searching for something to begin a project, to rebuild and learn along the way, and didn’t have any make, model, body type or fuel restrictions. In fact, the only condition was that it had […]